Par: Peter J. Schwartz
Le 26 novembre 2007
The Toronto Maple Leafs haven't had the Stanley Cup in 40 years. So how can they be the most lucrative hockey team on the planet? ...suite
Par: Nathan Vardi
Le 26 novembre 2007
Pay for performance is a hot subject among executives. It is for hockey players, too, especially since the salary cap was imposed on NHL teams (currently 56% of league revenue), beginning with the 2005 to 2006 season. ...suite
Par: Peter J. Schwartz
Le 8 novembre 2007
In the two seasons since team owners canceled the 2004-05 campaign to force a salary cap on the players, the 30 NHL franchises have increased an average of 23% in value, and the league has gone from an operating loss of $96 million to a profit of $96 million. ...suite
Par: Michael K. Ozanian et Kurt Badenhausen
Le 8 novembre 2007
Tableau Retour LNH . Com Valeurs financièrs des équipes de 1998 - 2008 , selon
Évaluations 29 octobre 2008
Évaluations 8 novembre 2007
Évaluations 9 novembre 2006
Évaluations 12 novembre 2004
Évaluations 8 décembre 2003
Évaluations 23 décembre 2002
Évaluations 4 février 2002
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